If today's LCDs are like this old one, have to rewrite the bargraph library, using an additional custom 5x7 pixels 'whole' char. What's about the newer LCDs? Please try it and tell me.

Of course, I looked on the net also, but there are character-tables show 5x7, others 5x8 pixels for the chr 255. It has surprisingly been found that this really old LCD displays the chr 255 in height of 8 pixels, ie the bargraph works flawlessly, but the 'whole' characters (for this I use the chr 255) are all 5x8 pixels while the on the fly defined partial character is (max) 7 pixels high. It controls a 30 years ago -)) used LM054 type Hitachi LCD, I have. However, now I built a simple PIC16F628A circuit on a breadboard to show the bargraph. The library was developed (and tested so far) in Proteus.

But how much is its height? 7 or 8 pixels? In Proteus this height is always 7 pixels (corresponding the above), and I took that into account. It's a fully filled (solid) char, ie all pixels lit. My BarGraph library is intensively using the last predefined LCD character (numbered as 255). This is not the case in Proteus, so we cannot display a 8 pixels high custom character. Maintain the 8th line data, corresponding to the cursor display position, at 0 as the cursor display.If the 8th line data is 1, 1 bits will light up the 8th line regardless of the cursor presence.

The 8th line is the cursor position and its display is formed by a logical OR with the cursor. If I define a custom character that uses the lowest (8th) pixel row also, this row is never displayed, although the HD44780 datasheet says this: